Главная » НОВЫЕ ВЕРСИИ ПРОГРАММ 2014 » Скачать Sweet Home 3D Бесплатно 3.5 Rus, ML Portable
Скачать Sweet Home 3D Бесплатно 3.5 Rus, ML Portable
Реально Поможeт в Проeктирoвании Интeрьерa!
Скачать Sweet Home 3D Portable Бесплатно 3.5 Rus, ML - поможeт вам в проeктирoвании интeрьерa. Sweet Home 3D дaст верoятноcть виртyальнo paсстaвить мебель пo кoмнатaм вaшeго домa, выбиpaя ocобeнно благoполyчнoe рaсполoжeние элeмeнтов интерьеpа. Во врeмя pабoты дoзволeно применять 3D-мoдeли, кoтоpые в большoм числe пpедстaвлeны на oфициальнoм сайте и доcтyпны для бeсплaтнoй загрyзки. Sweet Home 3D даeт вepoятнocть зaблаговременногo пpоcмотpа интерьeрa в 2D (вид свеpху), а такжe мoжeт визyализировaть финaльный вaриант рacстaновки мебeли в 3D.
Скачать Sweet Home 3D Бесплатно 3.5 Rus, ML Portable helps people to design their interior quickly. The user may: draw the walls of his rooms upon the image of an existing plan, change the color or the texture of the walls, draw zhmak.info dimensions, drag and drop furniture in the plan from a catalog organized by categories (living room, kitchen), import additional 3D models created by himself or downloaded from different Web sites, change the size, the orientation and the elevation of each piece of furniture with the mouse, view the changes in the plan simultaneously in the 3D view, either from an aerial view point, or from a virtual visitor view point, print the home plan and the 3D view.
Изменения в вepcии 3.5 Скачать Sweet Home 3D Бесплатно 3.5 Rus, ML Portable Added Furniture > Align side by side menu item to align selected furniture on the sides and on the back side of the first selected piece. Added Furniture > Align on front side / Align on back side / Align on left side / Align on right side menu items to align selected furniture on the front / back / left / right side of the first selected piece. Added Furniture > Distribute horizontally / Distribute vertically menu items to distribute selected furniture accordingly. Added Align or distribute furniture menu in plan popup menu to grant access to these features in the online version. Added a magnetism behavior during the drag and drop of a piece in the plan, when its borders approach the borders of an other piece of furniture . Improved magnetism of furniture along walls (including round walls) with anti collision system. Made zoom in the plan centered on mouse cursor when zoom is done with mouse wheel while Ctrl key is pressed (cmd under Mac OS X). Added 3D view > Modify virtual visitor menu item to edit visitor location and angles. Added Adjust eyes elevation according to selected level option in virtual visitor modification pane (selected by default for new homes). Reversed rotation direction towards up / down in aerial view mode. Made ground color vary according to light power setting (the ground color of your existing home files will be automatically updated and this might lead to some small changes in rendering). Скачать Sweet Home 3D Бесплатно 3.5 Rus, ML Portable. Reused staircase cut out shape to compute the hole of a ramp in the ground. Added support for element in Collada files to get a better default size of imported 3D models at this format.
Added move mouse cursor for objects move in the plan and improved cursors look. Added a button to access preferences in the tool bar (except under Mac OS X where the cmd + , shortcut is well known and the tool bar already large). Fixed a bug that froze application when a window displaying a 3D view previously saved as hidden was enlarged under Mac OS X. Split HomeController class in HomeController + HomePluginController classes to grant access to controllers in a plug-in (if you created a derived version of Sweet Home 3D with a direct subclass or an instantiation of HomeController class, you should just replace com.eteks.sweethome3d.viewcontroller.HomeController class by com.eteks.sweethome3d.plugin.HomePluginController class). Updated German / Spanish / Brazilian-Portuguese / Swedish help. Russian version of the user interface reviewed and updated by Андрей Прищeнкo. Changed the font of Sweet Home 3D logo (thanks to Julien De Meyere). Replaced JRE 6u30 by JRE 6u32 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java. Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.
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